Train The Trainer

Train the Trainer

Training is an imperative part of an organization’s long-term investment and progression strategy. So efficient and skilled trainer is an asset to the organization.

The “Train the Trainer” course offers participant insights into the key essentials and basics of training. It covers types of communication, effective use of the five senses, learning types, effective planning of training, techniques and methods, learning principles, usage of case studies, seating arrangement, and effective ways to handle questions. The course will also cover role plays and storytelling activities to enhance maximum learning from this course.

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Who Should Join

Anyone who wants to be a professional Trainer or Presenter.


Train-the-Trainer is a framework for training potential instructors or subject matter experts to enable them to train other people in their organizations.

What are the main goals you want to achieve? Passing on technical skills from experienced to younger members? Build up an internal pool of trainers who can be relied on for a wide range of skill development training. Have internal change agents in the organization? The answers you give to these questions will determine which area you need to focus on in your training curriculum.

You will need to set measurable objectives for the program and figure out how to measure course outcomes. Tracking progress of both trainers and trainee indicates the effectiveness of the program, and it is essential to be able to evaluate and improve your train-the-trainer program over time.

As the train-the-trainer model is based on both teaching subject matter knowledge and training delivery skills, your curriculum will need to reflect on both. First, you need to define course-by-course, what is the focus content that you want your trainers to train and disseminate in the organization.

To maintain a consistent rollout and delivery of your training curriculum, you should design and provide all the materials that your trainees will need when they deliver the training content to their colleagues. This may range from detailed training facilitation plans to slideshows and participant handouts.